Gas proving systems
This system proves by pressure testing that all gas taps and appliances are isolated before the main gas valve will open. This is often linked to gas leak detectors. The system is a one-key operation to 'gas prove' the system. If the system does not gas prove within the adjustable time delay period, the gas proving fails and the gas valve will not open. This system is suitable for laboratories, boiler rooms, design and technology rooms, workshops, kitchens, etc.

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Gas Safety Proving System
This is an interlock system that cuts off the supply of gas should the kitchen mechanical ventilation system fail or if the ventilation is turned down below a pre-set safe level.

Gas Proving System
This system will interlock the extraction fan in a battery charging room to the electrical supply to the battery charger circuits.
Gas Interlock Systems
Gas safety interlock systems are required in all commercial kitchens. Gas Safe regulations and BS6173 both require a gas interlock system to be fitted. This ensures that the commercial kitchen ventilation system is working before the gas is turned on. This prevents a build-up of potentially poisonous gas combustion fumes in the kitchen which would be harmful to the health of kitchen staff and others within the premises. We manufacture, supply and install gas interlock systems for all applications.

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Gas Safety Interlock System
This is a gas interlock system that cuts off the supply of gas should the kitchen mechanical ventilation system fail or if the ventilation is turned down below a pre-set safe level.

Mechanical Handling Equipment
This system will interlock the extraction fan in a battery charging room to the electrical supply to the battery charger circuits.